Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another blog

Yep, I have yet another blog. If you stumble across this then congrats because I don't think I'll be advertising this one necessarily.

Recently I have found out that I have high cholesterol. I'm trying hard to be close to vegan, and so far so good. I am cooking a lot more and making a lot more healthy choices.

Today I found out that my mom's best friend's nephew passed away from a heroin overdose. I played with him when I was little a lot and became reacquainted with him two Christmases ago. I remember I was still with my ex when I met him again but I thought he was cute and kind of a nice guy. I heard that he was addicted to oxycontin last year, but I guess it got a lot worse. He had been out of a rehab center for only a week. He passed away on Valentine's Day. If I was home I'd probably go to all the services but it'd be hard to swing with school. While I feel weird about this, I'm not devastated. A boy who I thought was cute in one of my classes last fall died of a heroin overdose last May. It's just becoming a bit ridiculous. Who does heroin? honestly...

Lately I have started using the program "Stickies" on my computer and all I have to say is: "Where has this program been all of my life?!" I have like 4 different to do lists going. One for spring and summer, a general one, a food one and one for story ideas. LOVE IT!

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